Monday 1 December 2008

Analysis of "Dead Mans Shoes"

"Dead Mans Shoes" is the film that fits into the type of genre our opening sequence is to portray. The media language that the low budget british film creates has the essentials that will be needed in our project.
The simple but effective cinematography that has been manipulated in "Dead Mans Shoes" makes the film look realistic and believable which shadows our aim for the opening sequence. "Dead Mans Shoes" had been filmed using a hand held steady-camera because it is a low budget film. It uses a variety of long shots, medium shots and close ups which gives the film some different scenes making and keeping it interesting.
The mise-en-scene that has been filmed in Dead Mans Shoes is a fine example of how our opening sequence will be constructed. The scenes shown in our video clip of Dead Mans Shoes consist of a very messy and typical home, a usual yard/back garden and a winding countryside pathway. The costumes worn by the characters is of a casual day to day dress wear which again keeps the film believable and realistic.
The invisible editing that the film has is very effective, especially the flashing fade in/out, which we will also use in our opening sequence.
Another elemant which is the result of the low budget british film is the lighting which is natural throughout the whole film. This again will be part of our opening sequence.
The sound in Deads Man Shoes is kept natural and only consists of special sound effects and background music to create the atmosphere that is needed to produce different emotions within the audience.
All the five elements of the media language in Dead Mans Shoes are appropriate for our opening sequence therefore we beleive that this is the film that is representative of what we expect as an outcome even though our plot and story line differs from this.


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