Monday 1 December 2008

Analysis of dead mans shoes

The film we have chosen that is "dead mans shoes" a low budget British film that has the same genre as our opening sequence.

In dead mans shoes they use natural high key lighting that makes the film look realistic. Most of the film is shot using an steady-cam as its low budget the editing is invisible. The sound is realistic and what you would expect that makes the film more believable. The mise en scene used is also realistic as everything used in the scene fits in they are at one point in an abandoned house in the country side and in the house there's no floors the walls are bare and there is no door the only things in the house is some crates and a few pieces of scrap. The cinematography used is all different camera angles such as high angles that make people look weak and low angles that make people look strong. 

Putting all these different media techniques in makes the film look realistic and as though it is actually happening which makes the audience become attached to the characters which makes them want to watch the film to find out what happens.


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