Monday 2 February 2009

Finished opening sequence

We used the rule of thirds in every scene and the line of action is never crossed. The flash backs work well as they set up enigmas such as were are they? What they doing? The close up of the eyes and feet also work well as it makes the audience see the pain the hostages are going through this also makes the audience connect with the victims. The point of view shot by one of the hostages puts the audience into the shoes of the victim which also draws the audience into the action.

I think we could have got some more shots of the hostage situation so the shots are equal to the cemetery shots. In some of the hostage shots there is no sound our the sound doesn't sound right therefore we had to copy and paste sound from a scene that has sound that we need so some of the scenes sound the same it isn't noticeable but it could make the sequence more effective if the sound was different.
