Before we begin shooting our media film, we wrote a script to help us get organised for our filming, this will also help in our editing as we know exactly what we want and where we want it.
1st Shot: Cemetery- ELS- Beth walks through the graveyard carrying flowers
2nd Shot: Showing hostage situation- MS- blackout, just hear struggling people, muffled voices.
3rd shot: Cemetery- LS- Beth walks through graveyard carry flowers
4th shot: Hostage situation-LS- garage door opening, see outline of killer and hostage
5th shot: cemetery- LS- Beth stops in front of a grave and looks down on it
6th shot: hostage situation- LS- see all the hostages reaction
7th shot: Cemetery- LS- Beth kneels down next to the grave
8th shot: hostage situation- LS- killer throws hostage into pile
9th shot: Cemetery- MS- Beth puts flowers onto the grave
10th shot: Hostage situation- CU- killers leg and gun, hostages shown in the background
11th shot: Cemetery- ELS- Beth knelt down on the grave
12th shot: Hostage situation- MS- the back of the hostages looking at the killer
13th shot: Cemetery- CU- Beths face
14th shot: Hostage situation-CU- Bag taken off Beths face
15th shot: Cemetery- MS- Beth knelt down crying
16th shot: Hostage situation- CU- Killer loading gun
17th shot: Cemetery- MS- Beth scared
18th shot: Hostage situation- ECU- Killers eyes
19th shot: Cemetery-MS- Actor comes and calms Beth down and takes her away
20th shot: Hostage situation- POV- Killer points the gun towards the hostages
21st shot: Hostage situation- CU- Barrel of the gun
22nd shot: Titles
Beth, Blake, Nushy