Thursday 27 November 2008

Preliminary Task

Our group decided that we would base our preliminary task on an assassin receiving a new assignment. 

If we were to remake our project again we would plan the scenes individually, so that when it came to filming our process it would be more efficient, so then when it came to editing we would be able to put the scenes together more effectively. 

The sound was also a problem when it came to editing as it occasionally jumped when the scenes changed for example the exchanging of the envelope. the sound in some cases were that bad we had to edit in audio from separate clips.

Overall we were happy with the outcome of our preliminary task, as the good points out weighed the negative points.

Beth, Nushy, Blake

Thursday 20 November 2008

target audience

Our opening sequence has to get people to watch and enjoy it for them to be able to watch the rest of the film we looked into our target audience and looked at the statistics.

We found that the regular cinema goers of the age of 15-34 have the largest percentage than other age groups. so we are going to make our opening sequence for the age group of 15-34 and any gender so that if our film was ever made it would meet the target audience.


example of an opening sequence

For us to be able to get a good mark we need to do research into other films that have been made that link in to our genre and ideas.
We believe the film 28 days later fits in with our construction of the film as the low-key lighting and grittiness of the opening sequence.


initial ideas

For us to be able to create an opening sequence we have to define what an opening sequence is and its functions- there are 7 functions to an opening sequence  
  1. to establish place and time.
  2. introduces any themes and motifs linked to the ideologies in the film.
  3. to set up the initial equilibrium that will be disrupted later.
  4. to reassure the audience by demonstrating the conventions of the chosen genre.
  5. setting up audience expectations e.g. in plot, style/media language.
  6. introducing and establishing characters, usually the main character/protagonist.
  7. usually sets up many enigmas.
the two main functions we are gong to use are 6 and 7 as these link in with the ideas we have.
